Skills for Health – National Occupational Standards for Reiki
You can access the Skills for Health web site here
Skills for Health is the Sector Skills Council for the UK health sector operating under licence to the government as part of the Skills for Business Network. It works with employers and other stakeholders to ensure that those working in the sector are equipped with the right skills to support the development and delivery of healthcare services. Skills for Health works across all four UK countries involving voluntary, independent and NHS health service providers.
Skills for Health have worked with various Complementary Therapies to produce National Occupational Standards for those therapies. National Occupational Standards (NOS) define what a competent person should be able to do when they carry out a particular activity or function. Reiki is listed as having an agreed framework to reach the required standards. The standards are given in CNH1, CNH2 (generic standards for complementary therapies) plus CNH12 which is specific to Reiki.
CNH1 –
Explore and establish a client’s needs for complementary and natural healthcare
CNH 2 –
Develop and agree plans for complementary and natural healthcare with clients
CNH12 –
Provide Reiki to clients