Reiki training
Traditionally Reiki training has always been given by a Reiki Master Teacher, with a recognised lineage, to very small groups of students, ensuring the building of a trusting and supportive teacher-student relationship.
This was back in the 1980’s – 2000’s.
There are 3 levels of Traditional Reiki training. Classes are run by a Reiki Master Teacher, in person, and are normally small and informal. Students receive Reiki attunements (sometimes called initiations or reiju depending on the style or school of Reiki) at each level. Manuals are issued to help with the students progress and Reiki certificates of achievement are issued at each level.
Reiki I – level one – is thought of mainly for the self, self development and self healing, plus the practicing of Reiki on family and friends.
The Reiki Story (history) will be given along with the practicing of Reiki and expectations.
Students will be required to practice and also keep a 21 day diary, recoding anything out of the ordinary they may experience, and the experiences of other receiving their treatments.
Reiki II is taken usually after a period of 3 months – if the student feels ready to, and wanted to progress to this level. Here the student is given more instruction on the giving of Reiki to members of the general public and all that this entails, including Practitioner insurance.
Reiki III is Reiki Master Teacher and training is usually made available after a period of 1 year from Reiki 11. With Reiki Master Teacher Reiki becomes a way of life and after a period of time, the student can progress to teaching Reiki themselves.
Reiki is a progression. After Reiki I training some students choose to progress to level II – but not all do. Some are quite happy to stay at Reiki 1 level.
Reiki Master Teacher is taken when the student feels ready. Many never wish to become a Reiki Master Teacher – and this is fine. Once attuned to Reiki and Reiki level I you have your Reiki for ever. Many students leave it for years before feeling they want to go on to Reiki Master Teacher.
It should also be noted here that a student does not have to sat with the same Reiki Master Teacher for all 3 levels. But each student should ensure they have IN PERSON training and their certificate for each level, and their lineage.
Then came along the internet and things started to change. We had cheap courses being offered on line, not following the Reiki tradition of the teacher-student relationship, or the traditional standard procedures that makes Reiki such a unique and special folk-art which has developed into a popular complementary therapy.
The Government wanted a form of self-regulation put in place for complementary therapies and the Reiki Council and the CNHC Directory provide this. There is plenty of information about this step on this site and the Reiki Council and CNHC websites.
The fundamental requirements to be a Reiki person, whether for self development and self healing, or for the healing and teaching of others, is to have been initiated into Reiki by receiving Reiki attunements, initiations or reiju IN PERSON plus have a recognised Reiki Lineage that shows your Reiki Master and the progression of Reiki Maters leading back to Mikao Usui.
Then came the pandemic which banned in-person treatments and training. This led to a boom in on-line Reiki training. Unfortunately due to the essence of Reiki, on-line training as not recognised by Reiki Council, or indeed The Reiki Connection for full TRC membership.
Often the information being provided on-line is very good and presented in an easy format to follow. However this is just information on Reiki that can be found on many websites. Many do not teach ‘live’ sessions, simply recordings and some advise their students to go and find a Traditional Reiki Master to give them the required in-person attunements!
Remember the basic rule of Reiki training – attunements and lineage. Traditional Reiki training is always in person. Also, should you wish to take your Reiki to a higher level by attaining the Reiki Council Professional Practitioner certificate, and be listed in the CNHC Government backed register, you go through a verification process with set criteria that always includes in-person attunements and training.