A message from Jeanne

Jeanne Long - Reiki Master TeacherJeanne Long B.E.M., BSc, Reiki Master Teacher, F.A.E.T.C.

Head of The Reiki Connection

Representing Reiki on the CNHC – PSB;

Former Reiki Council Chair & Head of Reiki Verification

CNHC Verified/Accredited Professional Practitioner & Reiki Courses. 

TRC supports all forms of everyday Reiki plus Reiki for Professional Practice.    TRC is a founder member of the Reiki Council and Verifying Organisation for the CNHC Register.

After coming to Reiki in 1999 I started The Reiki Connection (TRC) in March 2002. My goal was to have a small, local (to Bristol) and supportive Reiki organisation, initially for all my Reiki Students.

My first challenge was to secure a block Reiki PL insurance through HL Balen for members; this happened 2 months later, May 2002.

There was, and still is, no charge for my Reiki students to register with TRC. This registration is also extended to first line students of my trained Reiki Master/Teachers. Registration shows the student has received face-to-face training and has a recognised Reiki lineage.

Full TRC membership, reasonably priced, ensures members have a support network, and are kept fully up-to-date with all aspects of Reiki.

Reiki works in mysterious ways and in 2003 I found myself representing my TRC members on the newly formed Reiki Regulatory Working Group, which blossomed into the Reiki Council, becoming Treasurer in 2008 along with Verifications Officer.  In 2015 I was elected on to the CNHC Profession Specific Board for Reiki.  In March 2021 I became the Chair of the Reiki Council, resigning my position in October 2023.  So, as you can see,  I have been involved in Reiki for many, many years.

As TRC has grown in stature and numbers, it is now not exclusive to TRC Reiki Connection trained practitioners, and applications for membership are happily accepted. I still have direct contact with all members and TRC maintains the ‘family’ feel.

Membership to the TRC ensures you are kept fully informed in regards to all aspects of Reiki whether you practice your Reiki in the Traditional Reiki manner, or if you have ventured out into the exciting world of Reiki for Professional Practice, practising, or teaching Reiki in accordance with the National Occupational Standards for Reiki.

I think it important to mention again that TRC is open to all Reiki Attuned persons. The criteria for membership are to have had face-to-face attunements / initiations / reiju with a Reiki Master who has a valid/recognised lineage.

For new members I offer a ‘Welcome to TRC’ online chat where I can answer any questions they may have and discus the TRC ethos.

The more we work together the greater we achieve.

Om Shanti
